

The installation of ToolMap is rather simple. First you have to download the windows installer. It can be found on our web site: The setup wizard will then guide you through the installation process.


Once you activated the next step, the installer will ask you to accept the license agreement. ToolMap is released under the GNU General public license. More information about this license could be found here:


Once you activated the next step, the installer will ask you if you want to add ToolMap to the path. in most cases, the default value is appropriate. Here you can also choose to add the ToolMap icon to the desktop.


Once you have activated the next step, the wizard will generate a default destination folder for the installation. You can, of course, change the destination folder.


If you don’t have admin access to your computer, the destination folder should be changed to a folder in which you have write permission such as C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\ToolMap


If you click on the install button, the installation will begin. Otherwise you can go back to change settings or simply cancel the operation. If you decided to launch the installation, a progress window will pop up. The installation process should be pretty fast.

ToolMap can now be launched using either the desktop icon or the menu entry located in Programs ‣ ToolMap2 ‣ ToolMap

Silent Installation

ToolMap may also be installed without requiring the user to select options or click next. This mode, also called unattended installation, may be particularly useful for system administrator trying to deploy ToolMap on multiple computers without the hassle to go through all the wizard pages.


The following command line may be used for the silent installation of ToolMap:

ToolMap-2.6.1992-win64.exe /S /D=C:\Program Files\ToolMap”
  • /S: inform the installer to be silent
  • /D: Path for installing ToolMap


The following command line may be used for uninstalling ToolMap silently:

“C:\Program File\ToolMap2\Uninstall.exe” /S


Download the ToolMap’s .DMG file from and then double-click on it. A new Finder window similar to the one illustrated bellow should appear.


Drag the ToolMap icon into the “Applications” folder to install ToolMap. Once ToolMap is installed, you can safely eject it’s disk image. Click on the ToolMap disk icon on the Desktop and then press CMD-E.


Delete the .DMG file by dragging it to the trash.


ToolMap is actually only available as AppImage (*.AppImage). Thoses package should run across all major Linux distributions without any issues. AppImages can be downloaded and run without installation or the need for root rights. You first need to make the downloaded AppImage executable as follows:

chmod a+x ToolMap-2.6.1992-linux64.AppImage

You can then execute ToolMap with the following command:
