Spatial Data management

The data management is made through the Data menu, it contains the following elements:

  • Link data... (Ctrl+O): reference a support layer which will be displayed in your project
  • Unlink data... (Ctrl+W): unlink a layer
  • Import data: import data into one of your construction theme

Import data

The Data ‣ Import data... option allows you to import some existing information into your construction layers. You can only import lines or points geometries. The process is made in 3 different steps.


  1. the File type option allows two types of data, choose the one you want to import
  2. Go to the next step of the import or cancel the operation


If you choose to add a shapefile the following step comes ahead

  1. Directory path of the shapefile
  2. data information of the shapefile
  3. allow to go back to Step1 or to continue to Step 3

If you choose to add a CSV file the following step comes ahead

  1. Directory path of the CSV file
  2. Information on the CSV file
  3. allow to go back or to continue to step 2.2


The CSV files are composed of columns of data separated with commas, you will have to choose wich column you want to assign to the X and Y coordinates

  1. List of the columns which can be assigned as X or Y coordinates
  2. allows to go back or to continue to Step3


  1. List of layers within the data will be imported (with the shapefile import the choice is restricted to the geometrical type of the data)
  2. import the data or cancel the operation

Table of contents options

  1. img1 Activate the display of the layer img2 Deactivate the display of the layer
  2. Edition mode activated: the layer is underlined

contextual menu

The contextual menus are opened by right-clicking on a layer of the table of contents. They vary according to the selected layer.




  • Name of the layer
  • Edit this layer (construction layers only)
  • Remove layer (support themes only)
  • Move the selected layer in the table of contents
  • Display management of the vertex (line and polygon layers type only)
  • Symbology management. This option can also be activated by double-clicking on the layer. (see Symbology)